December 2017 Events

Great Basin Elks will host their first memorial service on Sunday December 3, 2017, at the Masonic Lodge in Elko.  The service will begin promptly at 10:00 AM, the doors will open at 9:00 AM.  A potluck brunch will follow, so please bring your favorite brunch dish to share.  Hope to see you all there as we remember our departed members.

Thursday December 14 is the only meeting for the Great Basin Elks this month at the Masonic Lodge in Elko.  Doors will open at 5:00 PM, and the Chamber of Commerce will be presenting our Membership Plaque at 6:00 PM.  The regular meeting will begin at 7:00 PM.

December 16 is our Annual Christmas Party and Scholarship Fundraiser.  Dinner is $20 per person.  Doors will open for cocktails at 5:00 PM, entertainment will begin at 6:00 PM, and dinner will begin at 6:30 PM.  There will be a raffle after dinner to raise funds for the Scholarship Committee.  Jim Holdren and company will provide dinner.  It’s always been a great time, so RSVP and let the Committee know you plan on attending (so Jim knows how many he’s going to feed!)

Next Meeting: Thurs. Nov 9, 2017

The next regular meeting of Elks Lodge 1472 will be onThursday, November 9 at the Masonic Lodge in Elko, NV.
Doors open at 5:00 PM and the meeting begins at 7:00 PM.  This will be our only meeting this month (no meeting on Nov 23 for Thanksgiving.)  Hope to see you there!

Next meeting: Thurs. Oct 26, 2017

The next regular meeting of the Great Basin Elks Lodge #1472 will be on Thursday, Oct 26, 2017 at 7:00 PM in the Elko Masonic Lodge.  Our District Deputy and audit team will be in the house for their annual audit and Lodge visit starting at 3:00 PM.  We will have potluck dinner beginning at 6:00 PM.  Main dishes will be BBQ beef/beans, pulled pork, and soup.  Please bring a side salad, bread, or dessert if you plan on attending dinner.
It would be great to have our members show up and welcome the newest Elk to our Lodge!  Hope to see you there!

Next Meeting: Thursday Sept 28, 2017

The next regular meeting of the Great Basin Elks Lodge No. 1472 is this Thursday, Sept 28, 2017 at the Elko Masonic Lodge.  Doors open at 5:00PM (bar is open), dinner at 6:00PM, and the meeting starts promptly at 7:00PM.
The theme for our potluck dinner is Taco Night with accompanying Mexican style dishes.  Bring whatever Mexican dish you enjoy, and hopefully someone will bring taco stuff!  We never fail to have a great mix of wonderful food, so plan to be at the Lodge early to enjoy a dinner with your fellow Elk.  There are a lot of events coming up in the next several months, so if you only come to one meeting this year, this might be the one to attend!  Hope to see you all there.

Next meeting: Thursday Aug 10

The next regular meeting of Elks Lodge 1472 will be on Thursday, August 1o.  This will be the only meeting this month, and a busy one too!
At 5:00 PM, the Chamber of Commerce will be at the Masonic Lodge for our ribbon cutting ceremony as new members into the Chamber.  Please come early to the meeting and be in the picture.  We want as many members as possible.
Another photo op and presentation for the Elks Gratitude Grant benefitting the Elko Snobowl Ski Patrol will occur at 5:45 PM.  This photo may be taken outside because one item is heavy.
A Hot Dog bar will be available for dinner at 6:00 PM.  Our Food Master will purchase the hot dogs and buns and is asking members to bring condiments (sauerkraut, cheese, chili – stuff like that) and side dishes for the meal.  Dessert is always welcome as well!  If you have special food needs, bring what you can eat and join us for dinner.
Doors open at 5:00 PM, Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting at 5:00 PM, Elks Gratitude Grant presentation at 5: 45 PM, Dinner at 6:00 PM, and the meeting begins at 7:00 PM.  Hope to see you there!

Next Meeting: Thursday July 13, 2017

The next regular meeting of Elks Lodge 1472 will be on Thursday, July 13.  This will be the only meeting this month so please plan to attend and find out what’s happening this summer with your lodge.
Our Food Master would like to have our annual Ice Cream Social that evening.  The Lodge will provide the ice cream if members will bring toppings.  Charge will be $5 per person, proceeds to go to our General Fund.
Doors open at 5:00 PM and the meeting begins at 7:00 PM.  Hope to see you there!

Next Meeting: Thursday June 22, 2017

The next meeting of the Great Basin Elks Lodge #1472 is on Thursday, June 22 at the Masonic Lodge in Elko.  Doors will open at 5:00 PM for social hour, with a potluck dinner beginning at 6:00 PM.  The meeting will include initiation of new members and begins at 7:00 PM.  Please plan to come and support your new Elk members.
For the potluck, we would like everyone to bring cool salads and desserts. Salads can be anything – green salad, veggies, meat salads, pasta – just as long as they’re cool and refreshing!  It’s supposed to be warm so let’s stay cool!  See you there.

Weekend Campout

There is no meeting this coming Thursday, May 25.  We have received a dispensation to skip the meeting as most of the officers and many members will be getting the Lamoille Canyon Lions Camp ready for the Memorial Day Campout.  If you haven’t signed up yet to attend, there’s still a few days left to sign up to attend the Saturday Night dinner ($12) and raffle (plus the Margarita Bar the Scholarship Committee is hosting).  Just let our Lodge Secretary (greatbasinelks at gmail dot com) know by Tuesday, May 23 if you want to attend that evening event with your fellow Elk.  It’ll be a good time!
Thursday, May 25 will be a work party day at the Lions Campground before our campout.  If you can lend a hand, please show up at noon or close to it and join the work party.
If you have hand-made items or other goodies to contribute to the Saturday Night Raffle at the campout, please bring them with you and let’s have a successful raffle.  We have some great artists in the group and good cooks and always have wonderful items to win!
Finally, if you can’t camp this weekend, you are still welcome to come out and hang out at the campground and visit your fellow Elk during the weekend.  The Margarita Bar is open Friday night – just bring an hors d’oeuvre and join the party!
Looking forward to seeing everyone out at Lamoille Canyon.  Should be a beautiful weekend!

Next Meeting: Thurs. May 11, 2017

The next meeting of the Great Basin Elks Lodge #1472 will be on Thursday, May 11 at the Elko Masonic Lodge.  Doors open at 5:00 PM and the (short version) meeting begins at 7:00 PM.
To honor Mother’s Day, we will have a bake sale raffle with proceeds donated to a local organization of our choice (to be decided at the meeting).  Please bring an item to be raffled off and help us honor our Mothers and all women in our community this Thursday.  See you there!