Next Meeting: Thurs. September 22, 2022

The next regular meeting of Elks Lodge 1472 will be on Thursday, September 22 at the Masonic Lodge in Elko, NV. The doors and bar will open at 5:00 PM for social hour(s) and the business meeting begins at 7:00 PM. Our District Deputy will be visiting for the annual audit of our lodge.

The Scholarship Committee will be hosting our monthly potluck and at 6:00 PM they will be serving tacos.

Next Meeting: Thurs. August 11, 2022

The next regular meeting of Elks Lodge 1472 will be on Thursday, August 11 at the Masonic Lodge in Elko, NV. The doors and bar will open at 5:00 PM for social hour(s) and the business meeting begins at 7:00 PM.This will be our only meeting for August. We will be presenting our annual awards. We will also host Ross Dyer, North Las Vegas Lodge, the current NSEA Vice President South, at this meeting.  All members are encouraged to attend the social hour and to say hello to Ross beginning at 5PM. 

Additionally, the lodge doors will now be locked at 7pm for meetings. If you need to get into the lodge there is a doorbell by the front door. Please ring it and you will be let in.

Next Meeting: Thurs. May 26, 2022

The next regular meeting of Elks Lodge 1472 will be on Thursday, May 26 at the Masonic Lodge in Elko, NV. The doors and bar will open at 5:00 PM for social hour(s) and the business meeting begins at 7:00 PM.

The Building Fund Committee will be hosting our monthly potluck and at 6:00 PM they will be serving a potato bar.

Clean up at Hole in the Mountain at Gerber’s Ranch is this Saturday. Please meet at the lodge at 7:00 AM on Saturday and we will drive out together. Please bring gloves, rakes, shovels, and chain saws (if you have them). Also bring plenty of water and a lunch. This event is to ready the campsite for our campout in August.

Next Meeting: Thurs. April 28, 2022

The next regular meeting of Elks Lodge 1472 will be on Thursday, April 28 at the Masonic Lodge in Elko, NV. The doors and bar will open at 5:00 PM for social hour(s) and the business meeting begins at 7:00 PM

The Scholarship Committee will be hosting our monthly potluck and at 6:00PM they will be serving lasagna, salad, and garlic bread. They will also host an auction and ask members to bring an auction item. 

Also, Great Basin Elks Lodge #1472 will have a table at the Elko Home Show on May 7th & 8th. We need Elk members to man our table both days to talk to prospective members about  becoming an Elk and help us raise funds for our building. Please contact Deborah Gentry if you are interested in helping out for just a few hours on Saturday or Sunday.

Next Meeting: Thurs. April 14, 2022

The Installation of Officers and next regular meeting of Elks Lodge 1472 will be on Thursday, April 14 at the Masonic Lodge in Elko, NV. The doors and bar will open at 5:00 PM for social hour(s) and the Installation of Officers begins at 7:00 PM.

The outgoing Exalted Ruler and First Lady will be hosting a potato bar, which will begin at 6:00 PM. Please come and join us to see the installation of the new officers for the 2022-2023 Elk Year. This is open to the public. 

Next Meeting: Thurs. March 24, 2022

The next regular meeting of Elks Lodge 1472 will be on Thursday, March 24 at the Masonic Lodge in Elko, NV. The doors and bar will open at 5:00 PM for social hour(s) and the business meeting begins at 7:00 PM

Please bring your monetary donations for the Blue Pig Fundraiser. The Blue Pig Dinner will be served at 6:00PM.