Hope to see you there!
Category: Meeting Notice
Next Meeting: Thurs. Sept. 13, 2018
Next Meeting: Thurs. Aug 9, 2018
Next Meeting: Thurs. July 12, 2018
Next Meeting: Thurs. June 28, 2018
Flag Day Thurs. June 14, 2018
Next meeting: Thurs. May 10, 2018
Next Meeting: Thurs. April 26, 2018
Next Meeting: Thurs. April 12, 2018
Next Meeting: Thurs. March 22, 2018
The next gathering of the Great Basin Elks Lodge 1472 will be on Thursday, March 22, 2018 at the Masonic Lodge in Elko, NV (at the corner of College and VFW Drive).
Put on your fancy duds and plan to enjoy an evening of dinner, year-end awards (including membership year pins), and the Installation of Officers for Elk year 2018-2019. This is an open meeting, so bring friends and family and prepare to enjoy a grand night of fellowship and ceremony. If you only attend one Elk gathering a year, make it this one.
Doors open at 5:00 PM for social hour. Dinner and Blue Pig awards will begin at 6:00 PM followed by the Installation and Awards ceremony at 7:00 PM. The main course for dinner will be provided, but we ask that members please bring a side salad or dessert to share. Hope to see you there!